Biography of Trinity c great (Musician)

chinweike eziwanne anyalewechi ,who goes by the stage name ATrinity c great, chinweike eziwanne anyalewechi is from issuikwuato local government area abia state Nigeria and was burn into the family of mr Paul ugorji Paul ochi, and Mrs Elizabeth ekenma with 6 siblings. chinweike eziwanne anyalewechi, attended otamkpa community primary school in issuikwuato l.g.a abia state and Medi nursery and primary school sabongari Kaduna,&st’ joshep nursery and primary school Kaduna state, Secondary school,ovim technical secondary highschool,& I wrote my WAEC at,UNIQUE comprehensive international secondary school ukanafom in akwaibom state. He started their music career in the year 2010, His Music role model is AKON and His genre of music is commercial, he is also a practical sculpture artist dealing with outerior building designs apart from music. chinweike eziwanne anyalewechiis a single guy

List of song drop

 Christ in us and tonyekiri